Minority and Women's Business Certification

  • Author: Joanne Tica
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Study time: 45 min
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Course overview
You will learn about the economic benefits of business certifications and the eligibility requirements to apply for public and/or private business certifications.
  • Video time: 45 minutes
  • Exams: Optional

Joanne Tica, MATD

Adult and Community Educator; Training and Organizational Development Professional; Instructional Designer
Joanne Tica is an organizational growth expert focused on targeted capacity building in for-profit & non-profit entrepreneurial organizations. She is an adult and community educator and an expert in minority, women and veteran business certification and financial literary training.

Tica helps leaders create marketplace opportunities for certified businesses. She has worked with 1,000's of businesses who have gone through the certification process and helped them to set up strategies and executable plans for maximizing the value of the certification. She is an expert webinar and group facilitator for training and leadership development.

5/5 stars by Verified Users

"This course was an excellent match due to my interest in minority business certifications. Awesome info provided a better understanding of the benefits and need for minority certification for me and my business".

Valuable information   Clear explanations   Engaging delivery   Helpful practice activities   Accurate course description   Knowledgeable instructor  

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